Script Studio

UK Free Phone: 0800 031-8060. Mon-Fri 9am to 5pm (GMT). What's New in Script Studio. We're blessed and grateful to have enthusiastic, supportive and loyal customers who are keen to spread the word about our software and send us both positive and critical feedback. We've taken your comments on board and have re-designed Script Studio from the ground up.

Script Studio Review

Oct 28th, 2019
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  1. if key '0' then --'Shift to run' 0 shift
  2. game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.Humanoid.WalkSpeed = 32 --change '25' to your speed you want
  3. end)
  4. m.KeyUp:connect(function(key)
  5. game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.Humanoid.WalkSpeed = 16 --change '16' to your speed you want when you stop running
  6. end)
RAW Paste Data

How long will it take for a professional voice actor to read a script? Performances vary, but this handy converter will get you in the ballpark. You can even adjust it for reading speed, so stop guessing! Give accurate estimates and invoices to your customers every time!

Average Reading Speeds

If you read 1 word per second, then you will read:

  • 30 words per half-minute
  • 60 words per minute
  • 3,600 words per hour
  • 13 seconds per line (assuming 13 words per line)
  • 273 seconds per page (assuming 13 words per line and 21 lines per page)

If you read 2 words per second, then you will read:

  • 60 words per half-minute
  • 120 words per minute
  • 7,200 words per hour
  • 6.5 seconds per line (assuming 13 words per line)
  • 136 seconds per page (assuming 13 words per line and 21 lines per page)

Script Studio Roblox

If you read 3 words per second, then you will read:

  • 90 words per half-minute
  • 180 words per minute
  • 10,800 words per hour
  • 4 seconds per line (assuming 13 words per line)
  • 91 seconds per page (assuming 13 words per line and 21 lines per page)

If you read 4 words per second, then you will read:

  • 120 words per half-minute
  • 240 words per minute
  • 14,400 words per hour
  • 3.2 seconds per line (assuming 13 words per line)
  • 68 seconds per page (assuming 13 words per line and 21 lines per page)

If you read 5 words per second, then you will read:

  • 150 words per half-minute
  • 300 words per minute
  • 18,000 words per hour
  • 2.6 seconds per line (assuming 13 words per line)
  • 54 seconds per page (assuming 13 words per line and 21 lines per page)

Line Count

Roblox studio script copy paste
  • Average number of lines per page: 21
  • Average number of lines per 30-second spot: 7.5
  • Average number of lines per 60-second spot: 15

Word Count

Roblox Studio Script Copy Paste

  • Average words per line: 13 (range is 8 to 18)
  • Average words per page: 273 (range is 168 to 378)