Synology Bitwarden

Have you already installed BitWarden using docker on your Synology NAS following my step by step guide? Do you want to log in via HTTPS using your custom domain name even when you are away from home? It’s simple and free. You don’t need to buy domains, you don’t need to look for information elsewhere because here you will find the easy way to do it.

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Today we are going to look at how to self-host bitwarden on a Synology NAS! Bitwarden is a password manager that can be self-hosted if desired. The benefit of self-hosting is that you are in control of your data and don’t need to rely on a third party to manage it. I have set up 2FA on my new ds718+, but it only asks for the OTP when logging in to the Synology Desktop, not when I log in to the Roundcube Webmail. Which is a shame because it is the webmail I wanted to protect in the first place, because that can be accessed from the internet (whereas the desktop can only be reached from the home network). Bitwarden is very streamlined and does everything I ask of it. I have several users registered to use my hosted instance and it runs flawlessly and best of all its free. I've never used 1Password myself but I have used several other branded managers and I have to admit, I'll be sticking with Bitwarden.

Follow my step by step guide on how to activate your DDNS on DSM 7
Follow my step by step guide on how to activate your DDNS on DSM 6.2.4
Note: If you already own a DDNS, skip this STEP.

Go to Control Panel / Application Portal / Reverse Proxy. Click on Create. Follow the instructions in the image below.

The window below will open. Follow the instructions in the image below.

Synology Bitwarden Https

On General area set the Reverse Proxy Description and type in bitwarden. After that, add the following instructions:

Protocol: HTTPS
Port: 5152

Check Enable HTTP/2

Protocol: HTTP
Hostname: localhost
Port: 5151 (Or the port you have previously created on STEP 13 on my BitWarden step by step guide)

Go to Control Panel / Security / Certificate and check if your link yourname.synologyme:5152 is visible.

Log into your router and go to the Port Forwarding area. Select your NAS Local IP Address and port forward port 5152 both TCP/UDP. Remember that every router has its own interface design. At the moment I am using a RT2600ac router. Follow the instructions in the image below:

Go back to STEP 1or you will deal with karma 🙂

Open your browser and type in and you will see the HTTPS / SSL certificate working correctly. From now on you can access your BitWarden application over HTTPS from anywhere.

Note: You can use the same operation described above for all docker packages you have previously installed on your Synology NAS to access them via HTTPS/SSL.
Note: At STEP 4, instead of port 5152 you can use the port of your choice, but remember to port forward it (correctly) in your router following STEP 6.

This post was updated on Tuesday / April 20th, 2021 at 2:24 AM

Synology Bitwarden Backup

In the last post, I wrote about installing bitwarden_rs per Docker on Synology and how to activate live sync. Now I’ll show you how to backup the data. I’ll use bruceforce/bw_backup docker to dump the sqlite database automatically, since just copying the sqlite3 file is not really backing up the database. I also found out, that the created dump file won’t be automatically uploaded to cloud by the Cloud Sync. Some how Cloud Sync doesn’t notice that there’s a new file.

Setting up backup container

In the Docker app, let’s search for bruceforce/bw_backup container. Just search for bw_backup.

After downloading the image, we’ll just run it. During the initialisation, we need to adjust some settings.

In the volume tab, we mount the bitwarden folder, in which the bitwarden files are stored. My Bitwarden data are saved in docker/bitwardenrs. This folder must be mount as /data.

In the environment tab, we need to adjust the UID and GID. I set them to 0 (root).
Crontime can be set to how often the Bitwarden data should be backed up. If you don’t familiar with crontab format, you can use to check the time.

A useful parameter is DELETE_AFTER. I set this parameter to 7, so older than 7 backup files will be removed automatically. The complete documentation on the image can be found on the Github page.

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Backup to cloud storage

When the backup script in the container is finished, you’ll find the dump file in the db_backup folder. Adding this folder to a Cloud Sync task to automatically upload the file to a cloud provider (Google Drive, Dropbox, etc.) won’t work. Somehow Cloud Sync ignores the files.

The only way to upload the files to a cloud storage per Cloud Sync is to manually copy them. After manual copying the files, Cloud Sync notices the files and sync these with cloud storage. To automate the copying process, we set a “User-defined script” task in Task Scheduler to copy the files.

As script/command I just simply run a rsync to sync the bitwarden folder to a cloud storage folder in Synology.
