Jupyter Lab Markdown Cheat Sheet

Jupyter lab build. Source activate Activate an environment (Linux) conda activate Activate an environment (Windows). Html for html, rst for reStructured, md for Markdown). Code-block must be indented.:number-lines: Include line numbers for code-blocks. Command must be indented. Jupyter lab is a browser-focused computational environment allowing you to write and execute Jupyter Notebooks, scripts, and even text files from a centralized interface. Each cell in a Jupyter notebook can exist either as a code cell or as text-formatting cell called a markdown cell. You can find a cheat sheet here. Whenever you make a.

In this post, I am gonna show you how to write Mathematic symbols in markdown. since I am writing blog post that hosted by Github with Editor Atom, and use plugin markdown-preview-plus and mathjax-wrapper, and use mathjax Javascript display the math symbols on the web page.

I am not gonna to tell you how to make all these things work together, if you want to do what I am do, please take a little time and search around.

Most import, this post is showing you the basics about math symbols in Latex.

This what wikipedia said about Latex:

One of the greatest motivating forces for Donald Knuth when he began developing the original TeX system was to create something that allowed simple construction of mathematical formulas, while looking professional when printed.

Here are some symbols I typed during the learning.

Greek Letters




Power and Indices


Jupyter Markdown Indent

Fractions and Binomials

$frac{frac{x}{1}}{x - y}$frac{frac{x}{1}}{x - y}



Sums and Integrals

$sum_{i=1}^{10} t_i$sum_{i=1}^{10} t_i
$int_0^infty mathrm{e}^{-x},mathrm{d}x$int_0^infty mathrm{e}^{-x},mathrm{d}x
$sum_{substack{0<i<m0<j<n}} P(i, j)$sum_{substack{0<i<m0<j<n}} P(i, j)
$a’$ $a^{prime}$a` a^{prime}
$int y mathrm{d}x$int y mathrm{d}x
$int y, mathrm{d}x$int y, mathrm{d}x

Brackets etc

$langle f rangle$langle f rangle
$lfloor f rfloor$lfloor f rfloor
$lceil f rceil$lceil f rceil
$ulcorner f urcorner$ulcorner f urcorner


Jupiter Lab Markdown Cheat Sheet Download

Atom - Atom editor for hackers

Jupyter notebook markdown cheat sheet

Jupyter Cheat Sheet Pdf

markdown-preview-plus - preview your markdown in atom

mathjax-wrapper - display math symbols in atom

mathjax - Javascript lib for browsers

Jupiter Lab Markdown Cheat Sheet Printable

Latex - Latex Homepage

Wiki Latex Mathematics - introduction to math symbols in latex

Jupyter Notebook Markdown Cheat Sheet

Github tables - Github Flavored Markdown